Atkinson Gallery


Established in 1992, the Atkinson Gallery is nationally recognised and holds major contemporary art exhibitions, which are open to the general public. It aims to support young, aspiring artists and bring high-calibre, international art to the South West region.

Millfield’s stimulating arts landscape is also enhanced by a unique sculpture collection within our extensive parkland, featuring large-scale permanent works from artists such as Glynn Williams and Peter Randall-Page.

Some past exhibitors

Andy Warhol, Albert Irvin OBE, Sir Anthony Caro, Lynn Chadwick CBE, Gillian Ayres, Don McCullin, Graham Crowley, Marc Quinn, Dame Elisabeth Frink, Sophie Ryder, Peter Randall-Page, Doug Cocker, Glynn Williams, Anthony Green, Tom Wood, Basil Beattie, Clyde Hopkins and Terry Frost.

Opening Hours

Opening hours and days vary depending on the exhibition.

We are currently closed until February 26th. See more about our future exhibitions here.

Contact Us

Atkinson Gallery
Millfield School
Street, Somerset, BA16 0YD
Tel: +44 (0)1458 444322

View our Facebook page
Instagram @atkinsongallery 

Women in Abstraction exhibition at Millfield's Atkinson Gallery