

Upper Sixth (joined in Lower Sixth)

I chose Millfield, coming from Oman, as I wanted to further my education and play sports like football and cricket and Millfield offers great opportunities for these sports. I play cricket and we are one of the best teams in the country, as well as playing football during the winter for school. I enjoy participating in other activities within house such as house rugby and singing in the chamber choir.

Millfield is different to other schools as it has a variety of opportunities for different activities and sports, and provides opportunities for students to specialise in their sports. 

My favourite academic subject is politics, and one of the things I have found particularly interesting to learn about is the unitary nature of the UK constitution, studying how the UK Constitution is unitary in Westminster and Parliament is sovereign, compared to the US Constitution, in which the location of sovereignty is at a more regional level.

Going forwards, I would like to study politics at university and study business modules that relate to politics, in order to learn about the subject further and continue to deepen my knowledge.

Discover Brilliance_politics_Saami_K_Square

“My advice for someone joining new to Millfield is to be encouraged by all the opportunities Millfield provides in multiple areas and make the best of everything that the school offers.”

Saami - Upper Sixth