Purpose, Vision & Mission

Millfield School is a remarkable place. From its foundation in 1935, with six princes brought from India, Millfield is today one of the leading UK independent schools for boys and girls, aged 2-18 years. The community spans from Pre-Prep and Prep, to Senior and Sixth Form, and Millfield Enterprises offering English language holiday courses and sports activity courses and residentials outside of term time.

Our Purpose

To break the mould as an activist educator and provide an education and an experience that honours the individual.

Our Vision

To be the world leader for the development of children.

Our Mission

  • Discover brilliance in every child
  • Be the world’s best at immersing students in limitless academic, artistic and sporting opportunities
  • Be the market leader in providing transformational bursaries

We pride ourselves on providing an exceptional, all-round education that enables each child to try everything on offer, to find out what they really enjoy and are good at. The capacity to engage children at many different levels is central to life at Millfield and we offer countless opportunities across many different learning contexts both inside and outside the classroom. Talented and committed staff work with our children to achieve these ends.

The school is grounded in the strength of relationships that are the bedrock of all great communities. Millfield is tremendously diverse in terms of the academic, cultural and sporting backgrounds of its children, and we celebrate this diversity.

Millfield is committed to build on its legacy to look forward without losing sight of what has come before. 

Millfield's purpose, vision and mission poster

Millfield is unique. It is not shackled by tradition. We fit the school around the individual, we don't try to fit the individual to the school.

Gavin Horgan - Millfield Headmaster

Our Values

As a community we have established a collective set of values for all: every child, every employee and every volunteer. Our values will act as a target and a guide, in our learning, our work and our life at school. They will help each individual to discover their own brilliance.

Be Curious

Be Disruptors

Be Brilliant

Be Authentic

Be Kind

View Millfield and Millfield Prep's Purpose, Mission, Vision, Strategic Objectives and Values booklets below.