Students excel in national Biology Challenge

Students excel in national Biology Challenge

Millfield students have excelled in the latest national Biology Challenge which saw 160 Year 9 students take part in the ages 13-14 category.

Ten students were highly commended and five Millfield students achieved medals. Only 5% of the national cohort achieve gold, 9% silver and 14% bronze. Congratulations to; Year 9 James Hague and Chizara Elechi who achieved bronze, Daniel Kenyon and Zoe Holloway who achieved silver, and Georgina Hawkins (pictured) who came away with gold.

47,336 students completed the challenge nationally from 576 schools.

Millfield scientists take part in the Biology Challenge each year which is open to 13-15 year-olds in the UK. The challenge consists of two, twenty-five-minute multiple choice papers to be taken online under exam conditions. Questions are set around the school curriculum, but the challenge awards students who gain further knowledge through books and magazines.

Alongside the Biology Challenge, Millfield runs an annual Biology Photography Competition which invites staff and students alike to capture a scientific shot surrounding a chosen theme. Sixth Form Biologists are also encouraged to attend the yearly Biology Symposium which sees lectures and workshops take place onsite from prominent researchers, professors and scientists to further expand and explore their interests in the field.

Find out more about Biology at Millfield here.

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