Digital Learning
Millfield Prep has embraced the vision that effective use of information technology should be integral to the teaching and learning process, and will be available to all pupils at all learning opportunities, in class and outside of the classroom.
A significant aspect of this approach is being delivered through our mobile learning project. The school has been equipped with cutting edge Wi-Fi capabilities and class sets of iPads that can be used by pupils in the Junior Department. Pupils in Year 6 are given a school-owned iPad on a termly basis, that is managed by the school. Pupils in Years 7 and 8 are required to have an iPad for use in lessons and also for further study outside of formal directed teaching time.
All of our teachers are equipped with iPad devices and have undergone a full programme of training and development to utilise the technology in their own subject areas.
Pupils and staff can project wirelessly via their iPad device onto the classroom board and video is being used across the curriculum to aid understanding.
Our pupils are expected to adopt the full range of apps and multimedia tools to aid their subject learning and also to prepare them to be fully-skilled for the fast changing digital world they will inherit after they leave the Prep School. The school also has a number of dedicated Mac and PC IT suites, equipped with modern, cutting-edge facilities.
Through the use of these technologies, our aim is to promote pedagogical excellence in the classroom, embracing independent learning, collaborative learning, creativity and innovation, critical thinking and flexible progression.