Sports and Activities

Millfield Prep student passing rugby ball


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Clubs and Activities

The Clubs and Activities Programme is extensive and is designed to meet as many of the interests and needs of the pupils as possible. During each term there are some changes to the programme, but the choice of over 120 clubs and activities on offer through the week remains. There is a balance of creative activities, music sessions, coaching in major games and a wide variety of sports that are not part of the curriculum Games Programme.

We encourage the pupils to take advantage of the huge variety of clubs and activities on offer. Activities are allocated via pupils' group tutors taking into account other school commitments. We also have a significant number of quality external coaches who help to deliver the programme.

Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Activities

On Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays the vast majority of children are involved in matches or team training. For pupils who do not have a match there is a variety of activities that they can participate in. These take place from 1.30pm to 3.15pm.

Recently, we have run a scheme that entails four different areas in which the pupils should take part. These are: outdoor adventurous activities, community and environmental activity, fitness, and personal interest. Once a pupil has completed four hours in each area a bronze award is achieved; the silver award is obtained after 15 hours, and gold at 20 hours.

Following negotiation with the games staff, pupils may elect to pursue a regular activity on a Wednesday, such as sailing, jet skiing or clay shooting, and only make themselves available for sports team selection on a Saturday afternoon.

The majority of activities are free of charge, including Pottery, Art, Craft, Golf, Table Tennis, Badminton, Swimming, Squash and Football. Some clubs do have an additional charge due to specialist staff, travel or equipment requirements, including Horse Riding, Sailing and Clay Shooting.