Sports and Activities

Millfield Prep student passing rugby ball
Gym PE lesson vaulting pupil
Millfield Prep X Country
Millfield Prep Faraday Day
Millfield Prep Football Practice

Millfield Prep has earned an excellent reputation for sporting success, recently being named the best sports school in the country by Schools Sport Magazine. The competitive achievements, however, are only part of the picture. Our main focus is teaching pupils a broad, balanced sports programme which is tailored to each individual and prepares children for a lifelong involvement in sport and physical activity, promoting confidence, health and wellbeing. A comprehensive programme of physical and creative activities complements our philosophy and encourages all pupils to try something new and develop their talents.



Explore the wide range of sports that are on offer for all Millfield Prep pupils to enjoy.


Clubs give pupils the opportunity to try new experiences and discover what hobbies they might want to pursue.