
Millfield provides a broad and balanced education which not only prepares students for public examinations but also gives them the confidence to achieve success throughout their adult lives. We believe that education should open doors, not close them by premature specialisation, and up to the age of 16 every student receives a rounded education in both Arts and Sciences.

Millfield offers an exceptionally wide range of courses which underpin the school's curriculum whilst still allowing students' programmes to be tailored to individual needs. An exciting range of vocational courses are also available in the Sixth Form, including BTECs and Leith’s Introduction to Confident Cooking.

The newly launched and innovative Brilliance Curriculum is inspirational in nature, aspirational in scope and carefully planned. Teachers have considered the core concepts of their subject to form cross-curricular links between topics to aid greater understanding. For example, the teaching of the importance of water purification in Geography is followed by the teaching of different mechanisms for water purification in Chemistry, with teachers from each department explicitly referring to this cross curricular link. Core concepts in all subjects are used as the catalyst for personal discovery rather than where knowledge and ambition are hampered by exam specifications.

Students are taught in small sets, made possible by our high staff to student ratio. Up to GCSE (or equivalent level), in order for every student to access an appropriate curriculum and make good progress, classes are banded by general ability and additional streaming takes place in English, Mathematics, Science and Languages.

Millfield Brilliance Curriculum

Millfield Science Week


Explore our range of GCSE and A level Courses

Student smiling in a science lesson

Enrichment and Support

Learn about academic enrichment opportunities and our Learning Support Centre

Academic Video

Watch Millfield's academic video

A level results day at Millfield 2022


View what grades Millfield students achieved at GCSE and A level

Academic News